Our Outdoor Landscaping & Hardscapes Showroom
Completely Remodeled!
Our beautiful outdoor landscape and hardscape showroom is now open to those who are wanting a landscaping project done. We have the largest stacked wall, seating wall and pavers display in the Orlando area. See our outdoor landscaping showroom showing off all of our incredible palms, shrubs, trees, plants, flowers, stacked walls, pavers, firepits and water features we can install for you at your home. Stop by today and check out our putting green, built on a beautiful stacked wall! You can come by and purchase plants or bring your plot plan and we would be happy to discuss your landscaping project and provide you with an estimate.
Feel free to come by our Retail Nursery and Outdoor Landscaping Showroom at 8440 CR 48 in Yalaha, which is just 20 minutes from The Villages® community.
Our Retail Nursery and Outdoor Landscaping Showroom is open when the front gate is open or by appointment only.
Please Note: Landscape Estimates & Phone Consultations are available 7 Days Per Week, from 8am to 8pm.
All messages are returned within 1 hour.
Our Retail Nursery and Outdoor Landscaping Showroom is located at 8440 CR 48 in Yalaha.
We are open 9am-3pm; Tuesday-Saturday or by appointment at a convenient time for you...just call ahead!
Bring as many pictures as possible a copy of project plan if you have you will be able to get an idea of an estimate right then and there.
When you arrive you will find over 30 variety of plants several varieties of palms to ornamentals, hundreds of pallets of pavers, stacked walls, seating wall as well as 5,000 sq feet area of hardscape as well as 12 different colored decorative rock displays pavers, patios, fire pits, seating walls on display.

Just 20 minutes south of The Villages® community
Call for an Appointment!