What Is Spring Weather Like in The Villages?

Spring is a beautiful season, especially here in The Villages. Read on to learn more about the weather and temperatures during springtime.
Spring lasts March through May. The temperatures during these months are practically perfect, as most of the time it is warm outside. Not too hot, and not too cold. The average high for March is 79°, and the...
Why the Villages® Community Is the Perfect Place to Retire!

There comes a time in everyone's life when it is time to hang up the briefcase or work boots in exchange for a more relaxing and carefree living. You've worked your whole life, and now you deserve to live life the way you have always wanted, where you have always wanted.
So what makes The Villages® Community the perfect place to retire?
Central Florida Irrigation Systems

Would you like to make your life more comfortable and more convenient? One way to achieve this would be to install an automatic sprinkler system. But what is the perfect time you should water your yard and landscaping? The answer 4:30 am. But why? Because most people are not awake at that hour.
But why an automatic sprinkler? An automated sprinkler...
COVID-19 Operational Update from Mansfield Landscaping

Mansfield landscaping has always been practicing "social distancing". We can explain the whole process, and give you a rough estimate without ever having to see your property, using tools like Google Earth and pictures you can provide. And for our final estimate, we only need to come to inspect the property, however we do not need to come close...
5795 Gilmore Terrace, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Fenney

5795 Gilmore Terrace, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Fenney
3157 Eastfield Path, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Gilchrist

3157 Eastfield Path, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Gilchrist
Florida Ground Source Experts - Mansfield Landscaping

The foundation of every magnificent landscape starts with the design. Landscape design companies are not all alike; you will find that you have a better overall experience with a landscape professional who has been in the industry for an extended period. When designing a landscape, it is essential to take into consideration factors like the type of...
2957 Canyon Ave, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Pinellas

2957 Canyon Ave, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Pinellas
3204 Abana Path, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Fernandina

3204 Abana Path, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Fernandina
10808 Masters Dr, Clermont, FL 34711

10808 Masters Dr, Clermont, FL 34711
1071 Noble Way, The Villages, FL 32162 - Bridgeport @ Lake Sumter

1071 Noble Way, The Villages, FL 32162 - Bridgeport @ Lake Sumter
1025 Vance Trail, The Villages, FL 32162 - The Village of Caroline

1025 Vance Trail, The Villages, FL 32162 - The Village of Caroline
Winter Landscaping Savings: 15% OFF ALL NURSERY PURCHASES!

Get your landscaping looking fresh and beautiful this fall with 15% OFF ALL NURSERY PURCHASES!
Come into our nursery, pick out whatever you like, and get 15% OFF! Delivery available.
New Winter Arrivals! Over 200 New Pottery Pieces & Over 30 New Portable Water Feature Units For Winter!...
2999 Burnett Terrace, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Gilchrist

2999 Burnett Terrace, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Gilchrist
4236 Yardham Terrace, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Osceola Hills

4236 Yardham Terrace, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Osceola Hills
9416 Royal Vista Ave, Clermont, FL 34711

9416 Royal Vista Ave, Clermont, FL 34711
Paint your landscape with Autumn colors.

It's no secret Florida doesn't have the wide array of colorful fall foliage as the Northern states. Some see it as a trade-off, after all, 76 degrees in late November is kind of nice. Most people living in Florida today grew up somewhere else and miss the warm Autumn colors of home. Even though we live in Florida, there are still plenty of ways to...
3664 Twilight Pl, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Belle Glade

3664 Twilight Pl, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Belle Glade
900 Halstead Terrace, The Villages, FL 32162 - The Village of Summerhill

900 Halstead Terrace, The Villages, FL 32162 - The Village of Summerhill
4049 Nostalgia Terrace, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Osceola Hills

4049 Nostalgia Terrace, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Osceola Hills
5739 Rowe Pl, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Fenney

5739 Rowe Pl, Wildwood, FL 34785 - The Village of Fenney
1126 Denicola Dr, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Pine Hills

1126 Denicola Dr, The Villages, FL 32163 - The Village of Pine Hills
1111 Hollyhock Way, The Villages, FL 34785 - The Village of Fernandina

1111 Hollyhock Way, The Villages, FL 34785 - The Village of Fernandina
Do all pools need a birdcage enclosure in Florida?

Owning a pool in Florida is a great way to beat the heat. With warm weather all year long, many homeowners elect to have an in-ground pool built in the backyard. Numerous homes typically have what's referred to as a "birdcage" style screening covering the square footage of the outdoor pool area. The style "birdcage" is referring to large beams with...
3 Awesome Plants That Naturally Repel Mosquitos in The Villages® Community.

It is warming up in Florida which means we are spending more time outdoors with friends. Unfortunately, that usually involves some un-invited guest will show up and try to ruin your afternoon. It's a guest we are all familiar with living in The Villages® Community. Yes, if you are outside so are the mosquitoes. With all the diseases they carry...
Five plants that bring butterflies to your garden.

A garden is a beautiful addition to any home.
It brings out a lot of color and vibrancy to the exterior of the house, creating an inviting feeling to any guest who visits. But what can someone add to their garden to make it even better? Butterflies! Though it's not as simple as grabbing a net to catch and bring them to the garden, there...
Mansfield Landscaping - Residents of The Villages Landscaper of Choice

It's another beautiful day in The Villages® Community! We know you live here in Florida for the beautiful weather and lovely scenery. When it comes to the scenery in your yard, trust in the name thousands of Village residents have been turning to for many years, Mansfield Landscaping.
We have several different ways to help you with your landscaping...
Attention New Homeowners: Get $50 in Free Plants Today

This offer from Mansfield Landscaping is so good, we had to write about it. For a limited time, we are offering a very special gift to new homeowners throughout Central Florida...$50 in FREE Nursery Plant Purchases, just for stopping by our Nursery & Outdoor Showroom in Yalaha. This offer is valid for all new residents in Lake, Sumter,...
What's the best eco-friendly mulch?

Tending to a garden is a pleasant, calming hobby for a lot of different people. An essential part of gardening is mulching. It keeps away weeds, regulates the temperature and moisture of the soil, and is generally aesthetically pleasing. But the mulch you're used to using may be doing more harm than good.
So what are some more environmentally...
Lawn Care During Winter.

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas, and it's starting to feel like it too! Those temperatures are dropping quickly, even in usually warm and sunny Florida. During the winter months, it's important to make sure anything living outdoors, like various plants and luscious green yards, get the proper attention.
Watering your lawn may not be...
Spruce up your landscaping with colors of Autumn

While Florida may not be a tourist attraction for fall colors like New England is, we can still satisfy our longing for stunning "fall color" in our landscapes through a strategic use of tropical foliage plants. You can capture all of Autumn's reds, oranges, yellows and browns by knowing what to plant. With proper planning, you can then carry...
5 Rules for New Sod

Having a home you’re proud of is a big deal, but having a yard that gives off that good first impression can be an even bigger deal. For some, grass doesn’t always grow greener on their side of the fence but have no fear because sod is here! Sod is an excellent way to make your yard look like it’s always had a field of green grass....
Planting Mature Trees

Finding a new perfect home, in the perfect neighborhood, on the perfect street is a once in a lifetime thing. For those lucky enough to experience this, it’s a joyous occasion! Perhaps so joyful you want to throw a lovely outdoor party in your new backyard. That’s when you realize; it’s a big open yard – not a single tree! Not...
Can my lawn bounce back from the cold winter?

Don’t be alarmed if your lawn is looking rough after this year's brutal winter. Between brutally cold temperatures and drying winds, your turf probably took a beating this year. It will most likely come back alright, but some great care can prevent any future problems, reverse damage and let your grass grow tall and green.
Once those temperatures...
Do's and Don'ts of Great Curb Appeal

Nicole Stevens
First impressions are so crucial in many different aspects of life. From relationships to jobs, even to home owning, a good first impression is an important one. Imagine any of the times you’ve driven through nice neighborhoods, potentially looking for a new place to rent or even buy. You drive slowly, taking a mental...
How do I prevent a chinch bug invasion from my neighbor's yard?

To chinch bugs, your lawn is dinner.
You’ve done everything right. Watered your lawn regularly. Fed your lawn when you’re supposed to. Now and then, you discover you have what appears to be drought damage. If you have St. Augustine or zoysia grass, you definitely may be entertaining an entire troop of chinch bugs. These nasty, pesky...
Keeping Your Landscaping Looking Beautiful...Even With Florida Summer Downpours

Oftentimes, the primary difference between minimizing storm damage and sustaining a complete loss to landscape trees, gardens and flower beds comes down to how well your landscape is managed.
During the Florida storm season, unpredictable summer downpours and even severe thunderstorms sometimes seemingly come out of nowhere. Maintaining a green thumb...
Bee Friendly Landscaping Ideas

Undoubtedly, you’ve heard about the recent drastic decline in honeybees and may want to find out if there is anything you can do to support maintaining and even increasing the local bee populations. Well, the excellent news is that there's a lot that you, as a homeowner can do to play your part in helping local bee populations thrive.
One thing you...
Some August Tips Tricks for Florida Landscapes

Soil Solarization - In August, the hottest days of summer are well upon us. Temperatures reach the 90’s daily with heat indexes well above 100. In August, some often feel it’s too hot to work...
Put the finishing touch on your landscape with rocks and boulders

Traditional items like flowers and shrubs are typically first considered in landscaping. However, did you know that boulders and rocks are also a great choice? Landscaping experts suggest the idea of homeowners using rock gardens to give their yards a unique, relaxing feel. Finding boulders and rocks isn’t difficult and doesn’t cost as much as...
5 Things to consider when picking out palm trees

There are five factors that you should consider when picking out palm trees. These factors are soil, size, temperature, sunlight, and water.
- The soil is by far the most important factor for growing healthy palm trees. When purchasing palm trees, ask how much nutrients and water the specific palm tree needs to receive to stay healthy. This determines what type of soil these particular palm trees will grow in best. Proper fertilization is an important component of proper palm tree care. Various types of palm trees require specially formulated fertilizers that address specific conditions. If your soil is not properly nutrient, organic or inorganic fertilizers can strengthen it.
- Size at maturity is the second factor. Keep in mind that what began as a little palm for sale at your local nursery may reach a height of 50 feet or more as an adult tree. This increase results in the overpowering over trees on your property and interferes with overhead lines and underground conduits. Be sure that the size of your specific palm at maturity lines up with your needs and overall landscape design.
- The next factor is temperature. Most palm trees won’t tolerate freezing weather and even a short bout of frost weakens some trees and leave them vulnerable to insects and disease. Check with your tree expert for specific advice if you're unsure about the growing conditions in your area.
- The fourth factor is sunlight. Not all types of palm tree are equally tolerant to the sun. In fact, some varieties of palms prefer shady conditions over full sun exposure. Keep these facts in mind when considering the kind of palm tree that would suit your needs best.
- The final factor is water. Although Palm trees have long been associated with tropical or desert conditions, in the wild, they areactually only found near abundant and continuous water supplies. If you are choosing a palm tree for your property, make sure that it will receive adequate water. Be prepared to water your newly transplanted palm tree frequently while it acclimatizes.
What do I need to do to prep my Florida lawn this spring?

If you’ve prepped your lawn properly in autumn, getting it ready for spring should be simple. Fall is when most of the work should be done. However, there are few things to keep in mind during springtime for a gorgeous lawn.
You’ll want to remove any debris that has accumulated. This is a perfect time to also rake up any matted areas of the lawn....
The best way to take care of your landscaping during an overnight freeze

Freezing and Frost can occur even in areas that are typically “frost-free.” If frost is predicted for your area, you need to protect your vulnerable plants such as:
The steps you will want to take when frost or freeze threaten tender plants include:
Bring Indoors: Bring your frost-tender plants in containers...
Is there a way to save your lawn without resodding?

If the condition of your lawn has gotten away from you, early fall is the time to get to work on giving your grass a new lease on life. The soil is still plenty warm from the summer, but the air is cooler – which creates perfect conditions for germination. When grass seed is planted in the fall, the seedlings have all of fall and spring to become...
Which sprinkler system is right for your landscaping?

Approximately a third of your water bill is spent on irrigation, so choosing the right one for your needs is integral. Having native, drought resistant plants helps, but if you have a garden, you’ll have to water more frequently.
How much water do your plants need? Just like grass, the most efficient way to water your landscape plants is to water...
Top Tips for Keeping Pests Out of Your Landscaping

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting your heart and soul (plus a solid chunk of your bank account) into landscaping only to have pests destroy it. Here in Florida, we must be ever pest-vigilant, since we seem to get everything from chinch bugs to armadillos.
Deer, rabbits, snails, slugs, caterpillars, worms and insects can wreak havoc on...
Favorite Florida Perennials

You just can’t find a flower or plant easier to grow in Florida than old-fashioned favorite perennials. It shouldn’t take a whole lot of work to enjoy a beautiful garden, it’s just a matter of choosing the right plants. We’ve put together this list of no-fail favorite perennials for you to enjoy from spring until fall.
Obedient Plant...
Top Tips for Summertime Care of Florida Landscaping

Ahhh...Summer time in Florida. Ushered in officially in the month of June, Florida Summer finds us outside enjoying nature and taking a good look at the gardening and landscaping areas of our property. Summertime is the perfect time for updates to old, overgrown landscape and taking a fresh look at the landscape designs - adding tweaks on existing...
When and for how long should I irrigate my St. Augustine Grass

Among all of the grasses in Florida, St. Augustine seems to be the most finicky and problematic grass of all the species. Usually, the problem is with the irrigation and the aspects that come along with it.
The University of Florida states that there are three main characteristics of an irrigation plan for St. Augustine: Frequency, Duration and Time....
Rock Mulch vs. Wood Mulch: Which is the right choice for you?

With so much information floating around on the internet and the opinions of others, landscaping books and even home improvement TV shows, making the choice of the best mulch for you can be a difficult one.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when making your mulch choices:
Wood (bark) Mulch
Rock Mulch
For more assistance...
10 Ideas to Create a Gorgeous Small Backyard Oasis

There are many beautiful neighborhoods in Central Florida that offer stunning homes but not much yard space. To some this is a perfect time to down size after retirement and not have to worry about taking care of a huge lawn. Even though the back yard is small it could feel a bit overwhelming when it comes to making the most out of such a tiny space....
Resodding Your Lawn

Are you considering resodding your lawn? Fortunately, Central Florida has a mild climate, so resodding can be done almost any time! The recommended and best times however, are October, February, and March. Here at Mansfield, we suggest resodding in the fall time. Avoiding extreme high and low temperatures will help you resod more successfully. During...
Backyard Putting Greens: Practice right outside your door!

When you think about inviting friends and family over for a get together, visit, cookout or family fun day, you may think of family activities to participate in indoors, like board games, charades, or a pool table. Outside, you might think about volleyball, badminton or playing catch, but there’s not many activities as fun as having your own backyard...
Landscaping: It's Not just About Flowers and Trees

Sure, the land surrounding your home and property is always made much more pleasing by adding the right trees, flowers, shrubs and gardens; but did you know landscaping services include much more than just the pretty blooming nature placed precisely where you like it.
Landscaping also includes hardscaping and much more. Making your yard an environment...
How to Protect Your Landscape During Cooler Temperatures

Here in Florida and across the country we are still experiencing very pleasant warm weather the meteorologist are attributing to this year's El Nino. While we still may be sporting our flip flops and tank tops they are predicting cooler weather is on it's way, and we will finally be able to pull our sweaters and boots from the closet.
So far our plants...
Outdoor Fireplace vs. Firepit - which one is your best option?

You undoubtedly built your outdoor patio to extend the enjoyment of your home from the inside to the outside and create an enjoyable living space beyond the walls of your home. You may have constructed an entire room or two with furniture that withstands the elements and maybe even an outdoor kitchen or grill area to really take outdoor living to the...
Choosing the Best Curb Appeal Trees

While some trees are high maintenance and can become more trouble than they’re worth, others are relatively easy to maintain and combine low maintenance enjoyability with beauty and stunning curb appeal.
Some of our favorites to beautify your front yard include:
Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) - an excellent survivor of a tree that...
Landscaping with Less Water, Less Maintenance, and Less Impact on the Environment

Here's a word for ya: Xeriscape. The word itself is pretty weird, but the concept is simple and brilliant! It means to use water-effiecient plants and methods to create a landscape. The term xeros literally means dry in Greek. It is a practice that began in Colorado as a way to conserve water on landscaping designs and is quickly speading all over...